Geezer fish

Rhythmic Urbanized Acoustics

I Remember Your Smile

Tick Tock


Mark Montague
Producer, bass, and vocal

Mark has a long music history including being the bass player for Five for Fighting, who enjoyed a couple of platinums in the early 2000s. Co-producer, writer, and bass player for Peter Criss and Ace Fhreley’s band Criss (early members of KISS) traveling from Tokyo to Quebec City during the ’90s. His skills are abundant in these recordings.


John Cole
Songwriter, acoustic, resonator, electric, mandolin, and vocal

John has been writing songs for 30 years including a folk opera about a couple of high school kids growing up in the southwest—close to the border. Stories from the land and relations. Hear his rural expressions in acoustic sounds and crusty vocal. Below photo by Code Miller.

John Cole by Code Miller

(505) 577-6270 |

Santa Fe, NM

Mark and John. Photos by Karen Cole

Acoustic performance: Mark Montague on bass, John Cole is singing, with guest Michael Sheppard on steel guitar

Equipment: Mackie tower PA, Mackie mixer, two mic stands and stools, and guitar stand holding three instruments.

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